Saturday, May 9, 2020

Ghana Movie Industry Will Only Fall In Place If Only The New School Of Generation Appreciate And Honor The Old School Generation———Ernest Sampong

The old school of generations are the people who brought about the movie 🎥 industry for this young. Generation to follow so why have we neglected them when they need our help most? We do things and not include any of this great people people. We organize programs and honor this new generation but there is none honoring this great once’s.why should it be so ??. Comments coming from this new ones that the old generation should organize their old Awards’s scheme wonders me..Nigeria learnt movie from Ghana 🇬🇭 but are doing better and helping each other meanwhile, their population is far far bigger than ours but as few as we are,we can’t help each GHANA MOVIE INDUSTRY WILL ONLY MOVE FORWARD IF WE BEGIN TO APPRECIATE AND HONOR THEM. Until then, we will remain where we are. I say so Ernest Sampong.

And not to talk of those who are very ill and need our help like veteran Actors like Mr Twumesi and Emmanuel Armarh but none is doing that😭

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